ABOUT: While on expedition to Azores, I could see from afar the nose of a sleeping sperm whale calf, bobbing on the surface in the rough and stormy waters on the North Atlantic. I silently in and the current pulled me within sight of the calf, just as the pod was resurfacing from the dark depths and I donut myself surrounded eye to eye with the world’s largest predator. A breif, gentle and passive encounter that is forever burned into memory. This image represents a wisdom and my realisation that we are part of nature.
CAUSE: 50% of the profit from this picture will go towards SeaLegacy. SeaLegacy combines decades of experience in conservation, photography, and communications, with the latest digital and social technologies, to build a healthy future for our oceans.
DETAILS: Each image is A3 and will be printed on Hahnemühle Fine Art Pearl paper, 285 gsm, which offers a delicately textured surface and fantastic print quality. It will be shipped from the UK.
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